Monday, 7 February 2011


It's nearly here. The day that I hate to admit that I dread every year because even at the age of 20, I feel like Bridget Jones. Alone, fat and about to be eaten my Alsations. I don't know what it is, it's just a day. A single day in the year and yet, it makes some people feel so terrible - even most coupled people feel sad because their boyfriend/girlfriend/partner hasn't got the an adequate present of flowers/chocolates/first class flights to Paris, but instead they receive car air freshner/mug that someone gave you 5 years ago for christmas/distasteful underwear that is not only tacky, but also far too small.

I do not want to sound like bitter, self righteous single fact, I have probably shot that horse in the face, but I just think its stupid that so many people - including myself- end up feeling so terribly lonely on a day invented by Halmark. It's just not worth it at all...

Perhaps this year, instead of wearing pyjamas all day, gorging on chocolate and complaining; I may have a proactive V-Day...A day that mainly consists of a girlie evening out, complete with cocktails and dancing to ridiculous music. Or perhaps, I may watch a violent horror movie to at least channel my hatred upon the human race in a artistic way. Or, perhaps I will do nothing of the kind...but one thing I do know, is that this is one V-Day when I won't be sat moping because I am entering my fourth single year. Single-power!


  1. Valentine's Day is for needy, conventional women. Dancing to ridiculous music sounds great - I wish I could join you.

  2. Then you should join! I don't see why loads of women, including myself, always end up feeling horrible for one day! Its pointless. Dance the horror away!
